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Audrey McDermott

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, AB

Advisor:  John Tomasi

Thesis:  The American Woman’s Double Shift: Household Labor’s Philosophical Origins, Economic Consequences and Policy Solutions

Thesis Advisors:  Rose McDermott, John Tomasi, Christina Paxson

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) is the study of the interrelated forces of political systems, economic systems, and the philosophical movements that underlie them. PPE enables one to examine how these systems interact with one another: For example, how do philosophical theories impact political decisions, and then how do these decisions interact with economic markets? An understanding of the relationships between these different systems can then be applied to understand the experiences of disadvantaged groups such as women, refugees, and minorities in political and economic systems.

My thesis is an exploration of the invisible economy of US female household labor. I explore the philosophical origins of the gendered division of household labor, the unequal amount of labor performed in the US, and the consequences of this inequity. I also identify outside actors who would benefit from a more even allocation of this labor and suggested forms of intervention.


"I have been so impressed with all you have accomplished, Audrey. You should be so proud of yourself!" --Rose McDermott

"Congratulations, Audrey McDermott and the Class of 2020!" --John Tomasi

--Video from John Tomasi


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