Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, AB
Advisor: John Tomasi
Capstone: The Shawshank Assumption: How Prison Media Affects Public Opinion
Capstone Advisor: Daniel D'Amico
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) is an interdisciplinary study of society and governance that explores the purpose and function of government, the machinations of markets, and what it means to live a good life.
Incarceration is an isolated experience that far too many Americans experience and far too few understand. My capstone project examined how Hollywood portrays prisons inaccurately by holding up quantitative measures from popular media against data from American prisons.
Acknowledgments: I'd like to thank Professors Tomasi and D'Amico, my wonderful and supportive family, Dean Chang, the University of Southern California, SOTG, Joe Skoff, The Taco Bell Foundation, and Sigma Chi.
"Christian Hanway, I thought this quote from Abraham Lincoln would be a fitting reminder for your accomplishment: 'Freedom is the last, best hope of Earth.' Best of luck in all you do." --Daniel D'Amico
--Video from John Tomasi