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Daniel Tompkins

Human Centered Design, AB

Advisor: Paul Myoda

Thesis: Interaction Design and the Art of Free Play

Thesis Advisors:  Anubhav Tripathi, Paul Myoda, Chris Bull

Human Centered Design is the study of design problem-solving in the context of the human mind. This discipline draws from principles of engineering, psychology, art, and computer science.

For my thesis, I designed a MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) input device and studied how paradigms of interface design influence "free play" learning in a musical context.

Acknowledgments:  Thank you to my family, for their unwavering support. My professors, for constant guidance. My friends, for endless inspiration and good memories.


"Your creativity and hard work has made everyone proud. Congratulations!" --Anubhav Tripathi

"Daniel: I have so much admiration for all the work that you've done over the 3+ years I've gotten to know you. In my humble estimation, you should be the poster child for Brown's Independent Concentration -- creative, curious, dedicated, disciplined, gritty, fearless, and so many other attributes, which I am confident will take you to amazing, new places. Congratulations, Daniel!" --Paul Myoda


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