Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, AB
Advisor: David Skarbek
Thesis: Power, Precarity and Violence in Turkey: A Comprehensive Investigation of the Rise in Violence Against Women under the AKP
Thesis Advisors: Nadje Al-Ali, Richard Snyder, Ashutosh Varshney
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) is the interdisciplinary study of these three fields that harmonizes its components to enhance a broader sense of political understanding through their combination. By combining political thought, economic analysis, and rigorous philosophical inquiry, PPE provides an exciting educational opportunity for a united comprehensive training where the sum becomes greater than its traditionally separate parts. PPE appreciates the multifacetedness of our world and the interconnectivity of its fields and yields an education of historical and contemporary approaches in all three disciplines.
My thesis investigates the factors contributing to the rise in violence against women in Turkey under the Justice and Development Party (AKP). The thesis analyzes political, economic, and social theoretical frameworks and seeks to reconcile them with empirical observations on violence against women. After crucial scrutiny, I argue that violence against women in Turkey expresses men's endeavor to reestablish traditional male power, especially when faced with female resistance to playing conventional gender roles. As importantly, the societal attempt to reestablish male hegemony is undergirded by a political regime that valorizes family, male superiority, and women's subordination.
Acknowledgments: This thesis came to fruition with the kind support of many individuals who devoted their time, expertise, and counsel. I want to extend my sincere thanks to all of them. I dedicate this to all the incredible women in life. Thank you for teaching me the strength and the value of grace and kindness.
"Lori, you came a long long way from our initial meetings and conversations. I appreciated that you were never defensive but took all my comments on board. I am really proud of you and your work and hope that you will continue to succeed!" --Nadje Al-Ali