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Dean's Notes and SEAS Support

Dear CRCers:  

I started a new medication for my ongoing condition, and I've had a hard time adjusting to it. I told a professor about this and asked for an extension, which they were willing to give with a dean's note or a SEAS accommodation.  I don't know what either of these is, can you explain?  

Signed, Not Feeling Myself

Photo from

There is more general awareness about how medication can affect our sleep, eating patterns, and ability to concentrate. While a Dean's Support Note can help a student verify a set of circumstances affecting typical functioning and academic work, for ongoing conditions -- not just for physical impairments and learning disabilities, but also for mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression -- students ought to register themselves with Student Employee Accessibility Services (SEAS). 

With verification from a healthcare provider, you can meet with a SEAS staff advisor, be registered officially, and receive ongoing accommodations throughout the semester; the SEAS advisor will determine if your condition warrants accommodations -- examples such as 50% more time on exams, more time to turn in assignments, and the rescheduling of two major assignments and/or exams scheduled for the same day.  Think of these accommodations as not getting a leg up on the rest of the class but rather as an official acknowledgment of a condition that is impacting your ability to perform at the same pace as others without your condition. As a student with a SEAS accommodation, you would have a standard letter in place to give your professors and would not need to disclose private information about your condition, or why you have the SEAS accommodation. 

It may be getting late in the semester to set this up for the last few weeks, as finals period is around the corner; however, if you're interested in learning more, email with your questions, and to try to set up an appointment.

Students wishing to be excused from a final exam should read this policy; per faculty rules, the Office of the Dean of the College is solely responsible for determining excused final exam absences.

The end of the semester is a stressful time for all students; keep in mind these support services if you want to talk to someone:  

Administrator On Call (after hours)

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