Victoria Huynh '19
Core work:
The CRC established this peer advising position seven years ago, in response to an observed need to diversify the applicant pools for various campus-based and nationally-competivie FIRe opportunities. The FIRe Coordinator works with the CRC Director and other colleagues to increase the visibility of these programs, especially to underrepresented student populations.
Victoria held drop-in advising hours at the CRC & U-FLi Center.
She facilitated a "FIReSide Chat" at the Brown Center for Students of Color.
She wrote blog posts with advice about how to navigate the proposal process, and with stories of students who received FIRe opportunities (see link below).
She advertised her availability for one-on-one meetings to support student applications for Mellon-Mays Fellowship, Royce Fellowship, and other opportunities.
She coordinated a CRC staffer presentation for the new Bonner Fellows at the Swearer Center.