IC Coordinators / members of the College Curriculum Council's IC subcommittee:
Vlad Barbulica '20 (fall), Ruth Foster '19, Ann Garth '20, Dorothy Jiang '19
IC DUG leaders:
William Friend '20 & Julia Ostrowski '20 (fall); Ruth Foster '19, Ann Garth '20, Dorothy Jiang '19 (spring)
Core & New work:
Vlad, Ruth, Ann, and Dorothy facilitated information sessions, a new writing workshop, and one-on-one meetings to support the proposal writing process. The number of approved proposals (29) doubled from the previous year.
In the spring, Ruth, Ann, and Dorothy revised the IC application towards making it more accessible, and Dorothy designed a survey for IC alums, which will be distributed in 2019-20.
As the director of undergraduate studies for ICs, Peggy met with the IC seniors for optional monthly meetings and encouraged seniors to design an electronic portfolio of their accomplishments and reflections. All IC seniors must design a one-semester capstone project or do a two-semester thesis eligible for honors; they are required to present their work at a roundtable discussion or poster session during Theories in Action.
Proposal Stats:
92 submissions | 41 students | 29 approvals
Sample approved proposals & advisors:​
Computational Neuroscience, Sc.B., Thomas Serre (CLPS)
Environment and Enterprise, A.B., Kurt Teichert (ENVS)
Environmental Physics and Ethics, Sc.B., Ian Dell’Antonio (PHYS)
Game Design and Development, A.B., Jeff Huang (CSCI)
Global Politics and Art, A.B., Esther Whitfield (COLT)
Healing Narrative, A.B., Brian Hayden (CLPS)
International Journalism, A.B., Jonathan Readey (ENGL)
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, A.B., John Tomasi (POLS), David Estlund (PHIL), or David Skarbek (POLS)
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, A.B., Barrett Hazeltine (ENGN)
Storytelling, A.B., Kevin Quashie (ENGL) & Miled Faiza (MES)
Translational Epidemiology, Sc.B., Neil Sarkar (PHP)
Current Concentrators as of May 2019:
Class of 2019: 15 (2 Honors)
2019.5: 2 (1 Honors candidate)
Class of 2020: 30
Class of 2021: 5
Class of 2019 (see the Commencement program):
Maryam Ahmad, Narrative Health A.B. (Honors)
Jacob Cader, Human-Centered Design for Digital Media A.B.
Penmai Chongtoua, Environmental Ethics and Politics A.B.
Ebube Chuba, Computer Science, Rationality, and Thought Sc.B.
Maksymilian DÄ…bkowski '19.5, Logic Sc.B.
Ruth Foster, Bioethics A.B.
Julian Jacobs, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics A.B. (Honors)
Dorothy Jiang, Intersectional Mental Health A.B.
Noa Machover '19.5, Urban Design A.B.
Zuriel Mbonde, Multimedia Storytelling A.B.
Sarah Marion, Narrative-Based Medicine A.B.
Charlotte Senders, Ecology of Food A.B.
Chloe So, Design and Cognition A.B.
Curtis Stiles, Global Entrepreneurship A.B.
Angela Yang, Humanitarian Studies A.B.
Yema Yang, Critical Mental Health Studies A.B.

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