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Donia Torabian '20 (ICer)

This week, we interviewed Donia Torabian '20 (she/her/hers) for the Independent Concentration Student Spotlight! Donia's family is from Iran, but she grew up in Los Angeles, CA. She is a senior concentrating in Healing Justice. Here is an excerpt from the interview:

What is your independent concentration?

My independent concentration looks at how imperialism is a traumatizing force, especially on young people, and looks at different movements for healing that are going on globally. For my capstone, I'm trying to make a healing curriculum or workbook for anybody who has been traumatized by imperialism to look towards. My focus is refugees specifically, and how we can make school curriculums that center their healing in a way that's responsible to indigenous youth and other people who have been traumatized by imperialism.

Why did you want to pursue an independent concentration?

I think it's just become very clear to me over these past few years that I need to spend the rest of my life thinking about healing and working actively towards that for the people I'm in community with, and those I hope to be in community with. I wanted to find a way to learn the things that feel important to me.

What was the IC process like for you?

It was pretty stressful because I think my interest evolved a lot over time. Part of it has to do with my own indecision and the amount of time I needed. It was hard because one of the sticking points that was central to my IC was imperialism. I didn't want to take history classes on imperialism because I didn't feel they would be critical enough or include voices of people affected by imperialism. It was a big push and pull during the last rounds.

Advice for someone that wants to pursue an IC?

Don't be discouraged by needing revisions. That process is worth it.

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