CRC Annual Report
Collaborators & Advisors:
Office / Division of the Dean of the College:
Dean Maud S. Mandel, Dean Besenia Rodriguez '00, Sarah Mullen, Wendy Sheridan, Jeanette Borges, Dean Yolie Rome, Dean Carol Cohen '83, Dean Christopher Dennis, Dean Linda Dunleavy, Dr. Chris Carr Ph.D.'16, Dean Oludurotimi Adetunji, Dean Asabe Poloma, Dean Julie Lee (Academic Support Services), Dr. Gelonia Dent Ph.D.'99 (Science Center), Ned Quigley & Lynn Cavicchi (Office of International Programs), Dr. Mary Wright (Sheridan Center), Jim Amspacher (CareerLAB), Lynsey Ford '10 & Jori Ketten '02 (Swearer Center), Cindy Dumin, Janice Rego, Heather Robishaud, Ivone Aubin, Linda Sutherland, Dr. Stacy Kastner (Writing Center)
College Curriculum Council sub-committee for Independent Concentrations:
Professor Roee Gutman, Professor John Stein, Maggie U. Goddard (PhD candidate), Francesca Lim '18, Dean Besenia Rodriguez '00, Ruth Foster '19, Dorothy Jiang '19, Anna Schwartz '18, Alex Vidmar '18, Peggy Chang (Chair)
College Curriculum Council sub-committee for Independent Studies:
Professor James Kuzner, Professor Ralph Milliken, Dean Besenia Rodriguez '00, Mika Matsuno '18, Sierra Edd '18, Nicole Martinez '18, Peggy Chang (Chair)
College Curriculum Council sub-committee for Global Independent Studies:
Professor Ercan Balci, Lynn Cavicchi, Alana Felton '18, Peggy Chang, Ned Quigley (Chair)
Class of 2018 Independent Concentration Faculty Advisors & Thesis / Capstone Advisors:
Omer Bartov, Richard Boucher, Daniel D'Amico, David Estlund, Elena Festa, Barrett Hazeltine, William Heindel, Nancy Jacobs, Dawn King, Iris Montero, Kym Moore, Tara Nummedal, Jeffrey Poland, Thangam Ravindranathan, Ravit Reichman, Timothy Riker, Sebastian Ruth, Thomas Serre, Patricia Sobral, Julie Strandberg, Elmo Terry-Morgan, John Tomasi, Christina Villarreal
2017-18 (G)ISP Faculty Advisors:
Scott AnderBois, Tarik Aougab, Nicholas Barnes, Rick Bungiro, Andrew Colarusso, Bathsheba Demuth, Luis Miguel Estrada Orozco, Matt Guterl, Roee Gutman, Alla Hassan, Brian Hayden, Lung-hua Hu, Jeff Huang, William Keach, Kathy Kemp, Joachim Krueger, Monica Linden, Judy Liu, Amanda Lynch, Kiri Miller, Charles Morton, Deak Nabers, Shankar Prasad, Joseph Rovan, Joshua Schechter, Wendy Schiller, Frank Sciuto, Elizabeth Taylor, Kurt Teichert, Virginia Thomas, James Tompkin, Joshua Tucker, Theresa Warburton, Leslie Welch
DUG Faculty Sponsors
TiA 2018 Keynote Speaker: Professor Andre Willis
TiA 2018 Roundtable Facilitators:
Jim Amspacher (Career LAB), Janet Cooper Nelson (University Chaplain), Marquis Gatewood (Office of Student Support Services), Kelly Garrett (LGBTQ Center), Christina Phillips (International Student Experience), Besenia Rodriguez '00 (Dean of the College office), Yolie Rome (Dean of the College office), Jenn Steinfeld '11.5 (Swearer Center), Mary Wright (Sheridan Center)
Gap Year Admissions Liaison: Panetha Ott
Thank you for your support:
Center / Program Liaising partners:
Student Activities Office, LGBTQ Center, Brown Center for Students of Color, FLi Center, Sarah Doyle Women's Center, Office of the Chaplains and Religious Life, Athletics, International Student Experience / International Mentoring Program, CareerLAB, Office of Student Support Services, Academic Support Services / Academic Coaches, Writing Center, Science Center, Meiklejohns, Counseling and Psychological Services, Office of the President
Campus Center Facilities colleagues: Pedro Morais, Florence Agyemang
Student Activities Office
Office of Student Support Services
Student Employee Accessibility Services
Counseling and Psychological Services
First-Generation College Low-Income Student Center & First-Gens@Brown
Registrar: Rob Fitzgerald, Lisa Mather, Chris Beattie, Lisa Cote, Sherry Gubata, Alanna Silberman
Academic Finance and Administration Office: Alisha Plante, Johnna Fredrickson, Ivy Hall
Technical support: Jason Orrill, Steve Vallot, Tatum Ponte
Meiklejohn Program Leadership
University Scheduling Office
Copy Center
Catering / Catering Express / Blue Room
Facilities Management & Event Support
Media Services / Media Production Group
Office of College Admission
CIT Help Desk
Office of Advancement & Alumni Relations
Office of Communications
Brown Alumni Magazine
Blog Daily Herald