CRC Annual Report
Fall 2017
9/2: University Resource Fair in Sayles
9/3: Meiklejohn training Resource Fair
9/4: Learning to Thrive Within Brown's Open Curriculum in Petteruti (w/ Meik leaders & Academic Support, pizza lunch)
9/4: Academic Expo in Sayles
9/6: Sophomore Dessert Reception at Granoff
9/7: Gap Year Dinner in the Memorial Room
9/19: DUG leader training, 3-4pm, Memorial Room
9/20: MAPS mentee application due @ midnight
9/21: DUG leader training, 12-1pm, Memorial Room
9/21: Leavetaking Dinner, 6:30-8pm, Memorial Room
9/25: Study Abroad Fair (Alana), 11am-2pm
9/26: MAPS mentor application due @ midnight
9/26: IS meeting for current students, 12-1pm, Memorial Room (during staff mtg.)
9/28: Leavetaking Lunch, 12pm -1pm, Memorial Room
9/29: GLISP 101 Info Session, JWW 420, 3-4pm
10/3: IS Info Session, 5:30-6:30, Memorial Room
10/4: GLISP info session, 2-3pm, JWW 440
10/14: Family Weekend CRC event, 12:30-2pm, MacMillian 115
10/15: DUG funding proposal due in UFUNDS
10/17: MAPS welcome event, 6-7:30pm, Underground
10/18: GLISP info session, 4:30 - 5:30pm, JWW 440
10/19: IC seniors check in, 12-12:50pm, Memorial Room
10/24: MAPS mentor training, 5-6pm, List 110
10/25: IC info session, 5:30-6:15pm, Petteruti
10/25: GLISP Proposal Workshop, 5-6pm, JWW 440
10/25: Concentration Fair, 7-9pm Sayles
10/26: MAPS mentor training, 7-8pm, List 110
10/31: CRC Halloween cookie & hot chocolate study break, 12-1pm Memorial Room
11/1: Writing workshop for returned leavetakers, 6-9pm SciLi 520
11/3: GLISP proposal deadline
11/7: FLi Center Leavetaking Info session, 7-8pm, SciLi 520
11/9: MAPS Sophomore Advising Open Hours, 3-6pm, CRC
11/15: leavetaking info session @ 12pm, 229
11/15: FIReSide Chat @ the BCSC, 6-7pm
11/29: “Funding Your Passion: Fellowships, Research, Grad School & Funding Opportunities 101,” 6-8pm, Leung
11/30: Fall IS poster session, 7-8:30pm in CRC
11/30: MAPS sophomores w/o mentor dinner w/ Dean Mandel, 5-7pm, Chancellor’s Dining Room
12/1: ICer Anne Fosburg ‘17.5 talk, 3:30pm, Smith-B 106
12/2: Midyear completion ceremony, 4-5:30pm, Salomon
12/6: MAPS study break, 5-6pm Petteruti
12/12: ‘17.5er farewell lunch
Special Events
Nimisha Parikh ‘04 M.PH ‘06 asked Peggy to facilitate a session about innovation in the context of Brown and its open curriculum for regional leaders at Fidelity Investments.
Peggy facilitated a Catalyst pre-Orientation session about the Open Curriculum
CRC staffers facilitated, "Learning How to Thrive within Brown's Open Curriculum" during Orientation (with Academic Support Coaches & Meiklejohn Leaders)
CRC staffers hosted Sophomore Advising Hours during Fall shopping period
CRC staffers led a discussion for Family Weekend 2017: Engaging Fully with the Open Curriculum
Staffers hosted a Freshman Friday in March
ADOCH event: Designing Your Own Path panel discussion: For the first time, CRC staffers and independent concentrators participated in a panel discussion for A Day on College Hill
Spring 2018
1/23, 12-1pm: Mid-year Resource Fair, Kasper
2/8: GLISP 101 info session @ OIP room 440, 12-1pm
2/13: Welcome Back Returned Leavetaker Dinner, @CRC, 7-8:30pm
2/14: Love What You Learn study break, 12-3pm, CRC
2/21: Brown/RISD Common Good Job/Internship Fair, Sayles Hall, 12-3pm
2/21: GLISP 101 info session @ OIP room 440, 3-4pm
3/1: GISP Cookies and Cocoa Meet Up, CRC 6:30-8:00pm
3/6: GLISP 101 info session @ OIP room 440, 5-6pm
3/7: (G)ISP Info Session, JWW 502, 6:30-8:00pm
3/7: Leavetaking Info Session, CRC, 6-7:30pm
3/8 Thursday: IC DIAP, 12-1pm, J. Walter Wilson 310 / “The Globe” lounge (for international students)
3/9: Freshman Friday, 2-5pm
3/14 Wednesday: IC DIAP, 12-1pm, SciLi 520 / FLi Center; 3/15 Thursday: IC DIAP, 12-1pm, BCSC / 68 Brown St. Formal Lounge (first floor)
3/20: GLISP Proposal Writing Workshop @ OIP room 440, 5-7pm (w/ pizza)
3/20: DUS faculty RSVPs due for Concentration Declaration Day
3/20: Sophomore Advising Hours in the CRC
3/21: TiA Information Session in the CRC
4/3: Leavetakers Writing Retreat, 8-10pm, Writing Center (Sci Li 5th floor)
4/4: DUG leader meeting w/ President Paxson, 12-1pm, Memorial Room
4/9: (G)ISP proposal writing session, 5-7pm, Faunce 341
4/16: ADOCH/CRC panel, 11-11:50am, Kasper; ADOCH concentration fair, 12-1:15pm, Meehan Auditorium; ADOCH resource fair, 1-2pm, Sayles; 4/16: ADOCH open house, 1:30-3pm, CRC
4/23: ADOCH/CRC panel, 11-11:50am, Kasper; ADOCH concentration fair, 12-1:15pm, Meehan Auditorium; ADOCH resource fair, 1-2pm, Sayles; ADOCH open house, 1:30-3pm, CRC
4/24: IC Declaration Day, 6-7:30pm, JWW 310
4/24: Leavetaking Info Session @ FLi Center, 7-8pm
4/24: Spring ‘18 (G)ISP Poster Session, 7:15-8:15pm, Memorial Room & CRC
4/25: MAPS event for first years, 12-1pm JWW 201
4/30 - 5/4: TiA; 4/30: Opening Reception & Keynote w/ Prof. Andre Wills, 10-11am, Petteruti; 5/4: Poster session, 5:30-7pm, Leung; 5/4: Closing Celebration, 7-8pm, Leung
5/6: Leavetakers send-off/potluck from 5-6pm in the Faunce Memorial Rm (Faunce 228)
5/27: IC Commencement ceremony, ~2pm, Hillel Social Hall